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International Council of Air Shows
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CARCanadian Aviation Regulations
CAT I1500 ft. Show Line Required
CAT II1000 ft. Show Line Required
CAT III500 ft. Show Line Required
CFRCrash Fire Rescue
CGWCertified Gross Weight
Control PointA specific location where the event organizer, a designated representative, or an air boss manages the aviation event. The communications system with the capability necessary to control the aviation event must also be located at this site.
Corner MarkersAn easily identifiable marker or landmark from the air, 500 feet or more right and left of primary spectator area along the crowd line from the primary spectator area to provide flybys and performers a 500-foot reference for proper separation from spectators.
Critical Aircraft or Critical WingmanThat aircraft closest to the primary spectator area in a formation flight.
Crowd LineA physical barrier or a line marked on the ground that serves as a restraining line for designated spectator areas and provides the appropriate safety distances from the aerobatic box and/or show line.