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Start an Air Show:
Critical Task Timelines
Start an Air Show: Air Show Critical Task Timelines

For new air shows or dormant air shows being resurrected after not being conducted for a period of time, one of the most significant challenges is knowing what specific tasks need to be done to organize and execute an air show, the order in which they need to be done, and the relative schedule of when they need to be done.


Making use of the collective expertise of dozens of veteran air show event organizers, ICAS has in just the last few years developed precisely that kind of timeline to assist newcomers to the air show management business as they undertake the challenges of planning and running their first air show.


Although very similar, owing to some significant differences between civilian and military air shows, ICAS presents here two different "Critical Task Timelines."


Although both documents address a large number and wide variety of issues, concerns and tasks, they do not and cannot address every task that every show must accomplish. Many of those are specific and unique to an individual organizing committee or show site. Nor are the documents in a format/style that will be suit the needs or preferences of every show that seeks to use them.


In addition, both documents are U.S.-centric, for now. ICAS is working on a Canadian version of the Air Show Critical Task Timeline that will be introduced later this year.


But, despite their necessarily generic style and the initial bias toward American air shows, these two documents are potentially invaluable to any show working to develop their own timeline of critical tasks to accomplish as they plan and hold their event. They are provided to you as word processing documents so that you may download them and adapt and edit them to your organization's needs and preferences.


Civilian Air Show Critical Task Timeline

Military Air Show Critical Task Timeline