The Federal Aviation Administration regulates and provides oversight of civilian and military air shows that are conducted in the United States. As a result, guidance and policy issued by the FAA can be critical to your organization's efforts to launch a new show or revitalize a dormant show. Although there are many other documents with which you will become familiar as you move forward with your planning efforts, we've provided links to three particularly important FAA documents below.
The guidance issued to FAA inspectors to ensure adherence by air show event organizers to guidance
FAA Form 7711-2, Application for Certificate of Waiver or Authorization *
The actual form that your show (or somebody representing your show) must complete and submit to receive the required authorization/waiver to hold an air show.
FAA Advisory Circular 91-45C *
A somewhat dated, but still relevant and helpful document published by the FAA in 1990 to provide guidance on organizing and conducting an air show
* The documents included here are very U.S.-centric. ICAS is working to create a parallel page on the ICAS website that provides equivalent/corresponding documents related to planning and conducting an air show in Canada.