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ICAS Foundation Extends Micro-Grant Program Deadline

April 5th, 2023

The ICAS Foundation, which recently began accepting grant applications for its new Air Show Sustainment, Training, Advancement and Recruiting Talent (START) grant program, has extended the deadline for its initial round of applications to April 14. A collaborative effort between the ICAS Foundation and ICAS, the program aims to provide “micro-grants” to air shows, performers and support service providers for promising ideas or initiatives that will benefit the entire industry.


As a reminder, grant requests will be assessed on a few simple criteria: 1) Will the grant be used to fund a program that benefits the entire industry? 2) Will the program funded by the grant address an existing deficiency or opportunity in the business? 3) Will the program help to further professionalize the air show community? 4) Will the grant help to fund a new idea or innovation that has the potential to positively impact all or most of the ICAS membership? 5) Is it anticipated that START grant funding will represent the entirety of funding for the program for which a START grant is being requested or is it anticipated that additional funding for that program will come from other sources? 6) A firm commitment by the applicant to provide a written de-brief of how the money was used and what other ICAS members can do to make use of the lessons learned by the grant recipient.


The deadline for submitting START grant applications has been extended to Friday, April 14 at 5:00 p.m. EDT. START grant requests will be reviewed by a grant request review committee in late April and grants will be awarded in May. For additional details on the new START initiative and a grant application, click here. Email icas@airshows.aero with any questions.